On 12/15/2016 10:47 PM, KaattuPoochi wrote:
> On Tuesday, 13 December 2016 at 21:13:26 UTC, Ali wrote:
>> And extending Ali's solution you can actually get the data in
>> to a two dimentional array at compile time and have it in static
>> memory with a small adjustment:
>> static immutable matrix = import("data.txt")
>>     .split("\n")
>>     .map!(a => a.split(",").map!(to!int).array)
>>     .array;
>> void main() {
>>     writeln(matrix);
>> }
> 1. For any non-trivial matrices (with 500 lines) runs DMD 2.072.1 out of
> memory (2GB). Not sure if this is a known bug. Works fine with LDC 1.0.0.

Compile time features are awesome but currenty very inefficient. :)

> 2. The EOL on the last line results in an empty row in the end. Is there
> a way to overcome this?

If appropriate, you can filter out all empty lines. Added .map!strip and .filter:

import std.stdio;
import std.algorithm;
import std.array;
import std.conv;
import std.string;

void main() {
    auto a = File("deneme.txt")
             .filter!(line => !line.empty)
             .map!(line => line.splitter(',').map!(to!int).array)



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