On Monday, 19 December 2016 at 10:14:49 UTC, Ali wrote:
On Monday, 19 December 2016 at 06:42:27 UTC, Nikhil Jacob wrote:

What're you trying to do here?

Forward declarations in C++ are used to solve a few different things:
1. Reduce build times (unneeded in D AFAIK)
2. Break cyclic references (unneeded in D again?)
3. Give APIs visibility (D's modules and Access layers solve this) 4. Maintain binary compatibility while allowing internal data changes (aka pimlp idiom) <-- This I believe you cannot do in D - https://wiki.dlang.org/Access_specifiers_and_visibility (someone correct me if I'm wrong)

I've seen something about .di files in D. But they seem flakey a bit.

I was trying to do something similar to pimlp idiom.

But after thinking over it, I found a better way in D.

Thanks for pointing to the wiki

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