I can just partially answer this part of the question:

Could anybody explain what dangerous of memory fragmentation in languages without GC? Am I right understand that there is stay some small memory chunks that very hard to reuse?

On Unix-like systems, system call for allocating memory is traditionally `brk`/`sbrk` which just moves "program break" which indicates how much memory program has allocated.

Say that you're running your application, and your heap looks like this:

|  heap  [myarr]  |
             program break

now you call `sbrk(2 * 4096)` as you need which will allocate 2*4096 for you:

|  heap  [myarr]    [my new array]   |
                              program break

Now, if you want to discard [myarr], it will leave a hole in heap, since you don't want to move `[my new array]`. This hole can be reused, but sometimes it can't, depending on the size, etc.

That's why there's another system call you can use: mmap, which you would use to allocate space for `my new array`, non-contiguously and not adjacent to `myarr`, and so when you discard myarr, you don't have fragmentation issue:

------------------                   --------------------
|  heap  [myarr]  |                  |  [my new array]   |
------------------                   --------------------
                program break

These, and many more facts (reusing freed area, when to use brk, when to use mmap, locking contention detection, for example) are used by the standard memory allocators you would use in non-GC program (such is malloc), so while it is possible that you will have memory fragmentation problems, it is very unlikely, unless you're writing something that's very different than vast majority of the programs. And in that case, there are different allocators that you can use, or you can write your own.


On Friday, 23 December 2016 at 06:18:02 UTC, Suliman wrote:
I would like to visualize how GC works and display free/not free memory segments.
How I can understand which of them are used and which not?

Could anybody explain what dangerous of memory fragmentation in languages without GC? Am I right understand that there is stay some small memory chunks that very hard to reuse?

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