On 01/11/2017 11:30 AM, Stefan Koch wrote:
On Wednesday, 11 January 2017 at 19:23:10 UTC, Razvan Nitu wrote:

I am currently trying to create a function makeMultidimensionalArray
which allocates memory for a multidimensional array. It is very
similar with [1],
the difference being that it is uninitialized. Here is the code:


I believe you should not do this with recursion.
Because that'll instantiate the template multiple times with different
What is wrong with using ndslice here ?

Agreed but the question is still valid. I had similar cases before where std.range.choose looked like a solution but did not work. Here's my current attempt, which fails:

import std.stdio;
import std.experimental.allocator.gc_allocator;
import std.experimental.allocator;

auto one(T, Allocator)(auto ref Allocator alloc, size_t length) {
    return makeArray!T(alloc, length);

auto two(T, Allocator)(auto ref Allocator alloc, size_t[] lengths) {

// Error: forward reference to inferred return type of function call 'makeMultidimensionalArray!int(alloc, lengths[1..__dollar])'

    alias E = typeof(makeMultidimensionalArray!T(alloc, lengths[1..$]));
    auto ret = makeArray!E(alloc, lengths[0]);
    foreach (ref e; ret)
        e = makeMultidimensionalArray!T(alloc, lengths[1..$]);
    return ret;

auto makeMultidimensionalArray(T, Allocator)(auto ref Allocator alloc, size_t[] lengths)
    import std.range: choose;

return choose(lengths.length == 1, one!T(alloc, lengths[0]), two!T(alloc, lengths));

void main() {
    writeln(makeMultidimensionalArray!int(GCAllocator.instance, [3, 4]));


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