On 19/01/2017 3:35 PM, Ignacious wrote:
On Thursday, 19 January 2017 at 02:25:44 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
On Thursday, 19 January 2017 at 02:15:04 UTC, rikki cattermole wrote:
On 19/01/2017 3:08 PM, Ignacious wrote:

class Y
   int y;
   alias y this;

class X
   Y[] x;
   alias x this;

This should not fail:

X x = new X;
x ~= 3;

Yes, it should fail. 3 is not implicitly convertible to Y under any
circumstance. D does not support implicit constructors.

alias this only works if you ALREADY HAVE a Y, then it will implicitly
convert Y to int. It will never go the other way around.


But this is alias this, the whole point of alias this is to treat the
type as as the alias?

You are saying it basically only works one way, seems to make alias this
quite useless(50% at least). Is there any real reason why this doesn't

X x;
Y y;
y = 3;

x ~= y; works fine
x ~= 3; fails.

Yet, logically, 3 is convertible to Y(3rd line above) and Y is
appendable to X.

Seems to me that D simply hasn't added the logic to handle the case for
implicit construction for alias this, why not add it?

It is not implicitly convertible in any form.
An integer is just a value, probably stored in a register or directly encoded into an instruction.

A class instance is always allocated into memory, in pretty much all cases the heap (stack is explicit in D). So what you're suggesting would require an allocation + calling of a constructor to make it equal.

Now, lets say Y was a struct, then yeah it can work. Because a struct is nothing more than a set of values that go together. Which are commonly allocated on the stack and for smaller ones, be passed around by only registers.

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