Le 21/01/2017 à 13:24, Jerry a écrit :
On Friday, 20 January 2017 at 22:47:17 UTC, Xavier Bigand wrote:

I am writing some code with opengl commands that I want to check in
debug, so I am using the function checkgl (from glamour lib).

The issue is that checkgl throw exception and can't be @nogc, I had
try to use std.experimental.logger in place of exceptions, but it
doesn't work either.

I mostly want to be able to check the opengl errors only in debug in a
way that can make the debugger breaks.

On an other part as I will certainly have to log some events (even in
release) I would appreciate that the logger be able to be used in
@nogc functions, maybe with allocators?

Don't use checkgl, it just bloats you code and there's an actual debug
feature in OpenGL now. It provides more information than just an enum as
well. So when a function has multiple errors that use the same enum, you
can actually know what the error was rather than guessing.


I had never use these API as it is doesn't work on older devices, but I'll may try to use it when available instead of glGetError.

Thank you to remember me these API.

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