Trying to get a dub sub package to output as a shared lib but for some reason I can only get it to output as a static lib.

        "name": "tofueng",
        "targetType": "executable",
        "targetPath" : "game",
        "sourcePaths": ["eng"],
        "importPaths": ["eng"],

        "dependencies": {
                "tofueng:test": "*",
        "subPackages": [
                        "name": "test",
                        "targetType": "dynamicLibrary",
                        "targetPath" : "game/libs",
                        "sourcePaths": ["com/test"],
                        "importPaths": ["com/test"]

Get tofueng_test.lib instead of tofueng_test.dll. If I try to build the sub package directly it builds the dll. What am I doing wrong?

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