I'm creating a function to authenticate user login. I want to determine login failure (Boolean) and error message (will be sent to frontend) but D does have multiple return type (IMO could use struct but will make code dirty with too much custom types).

struct Result
    bool success = false
    string message;
Result authen(){}
auto r = authen()
if (r.success) writeln(r.message);

In such use case, would you use a callback delegates function or will use a string (str == "ok", str == "no") or go with a struct?

string authen(){}
string r = authen();
//check if string contains success message to take action.

void authen(void delegate callback(bool success, string message) )
    callback (resultBoolean, message);

authen( (success, msg) {
   req.writeBody(msg); // to frontend

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