On Saturday, 28 January 2017 at 16:01:38 UTC, Ivan Kazmenko wrote:
As said, the byte count is indeed string.length.
The number of code points can be found by std.range.walkLength, but be aware it takes O(answer) time to compute.


import std.range, std.stdio;
void main () {
        auto s = "Привет!";
        writeln (s.length); // 13 bytes
        writeln (s.walkLength); // 7 code points

Thank you Ivan,

I believe I saw somewhere that in D a char was not neccesarrily the same as an ubyte because chars sometimes take more than one byte, so since a string is an array of chars, I thought length behaved like walkLength (which I had not seen), in other words, that it simply returned the amount of elements in the array.

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