On Monday, 30 January 2017 at 18:48:10 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
On 01/30/2017 03:03 AM, Profile Anaysis wrote:
> I need to yield from a complex recursive function too allow
> what it is doing.
> e.g., if it is a tree searching algorithm, I'd like to yield
for each
> node so that the current state can be shown visually.

I used tree iteration as a Generator example here:


It's in the code where the function 'byNode' appears. (The example builds on an earlier tree iteration code in the same chapter.)


BTW the alias to avoid a name conflic on "Generator" isn't necessary anymore with the last version of phobos (as shipped with DMDv2.073.0). However it's still conflicting with the latest version of LDC available on my system (1.0.0, based on DMDv2.070.2) so maybe letting it be in the example a bit longer is appropriate. Otherwise I believe you'll agree that removing it would make it easier for the beginners.

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