On Saturday, 11 February 2017 at 15:02:11 UTC, error wrote:
On Saturday, 11 February 2017 at 14:43:18 UTC, rikki cattermole wrote:

foreach(i, v; vars) {
        vars[i] = ...;

Perfect! Thanks so much - I wish that hint was in the documentation for variadic functions, although I guess it suggests an inefficiency in the compiler - since there would be an additional copy of vars[i] created in v.

Do you have a complete code example that gives your error? I can't reproduce it (DMD v2.073.0):

int foo(T...)(T vars) {
    int i = 0;
    foreach(ref v ; vars) {
        v = 5;
        i += v;
    return i;
void bar(T...)(ref T vars) {
    foreach(ref v ; vars) {
        v = 3;
void main() {
    import std.stdio;
    int x = 7;
    writeln(foo(4,x,8.2)); // 15, no errors

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