On Sunday, 19 February 2017 at 20:00:00 UTC, Daniel Kozak wrote:
Dne 19.2.2017 v 20:19 berni via Digitalmars-d-learn napsal(a):

Is it possible to force a function to be inlined?

Comparing a C++ and a D program, the main difference in speed (about 20-30%) is, because I manage to force g++ to inline a function while I do not find any means to do the same on D.

pragma(inline, true) doesn't work out well:

int bar;

void main(string[] args)
   if (foo()) {}

bool foo()
   pragma(inline, true)

   if (bar==1) return false;
   if (bar==2) return false;

   return true;


dmd -inline test.d

I get

test.d(8): Error: function test.foo cannot inline function

When I remove -inline, it compiles, but seems not to inline. I cannot tell from this small example, but with the large program, there is no speed gain.

It also compiles with -inline when I remove the "if (bar==2)...". I guess, it's now really inlining, but the function is ridiculously short...

I havn't tried the approach with templates yet, due to my lack of understanding templates.

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