On Monday, 20 February 2017 at 14:54:58 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
On Monday, 20 February 2017 at 14:44:41 UTC, timmyjose wrote:
My confusion is this - the declaration of the array is arr [last-dimension]...[first-dimension], but the usage is arr[first-dimension]...[last-dimension]. Am I missing something here?

I've never understood how anyone could actually like C's weird, backward way of doing arrays. It never made a lick of sense to me.

Hahaha! I suppose it's just a question of ingrained habit! :-)

D is beautifully consistent: each index "peels off" a layer. If you had a function returning a function:

void function(string) foo() {
   return (string name) { writeln("hi, ", name); };

Is a zero-arg function that returns a function that takes a string parameter.

How would you call the returned function?





Of course, the answer is the second form: the first level of () calls the function `foo`, which returns the function that takes the string parameter.

Arrays are the same thing.

int[2][3] arr;

is a 3-element array of 2-element arrays of int. So, how do you get to the int[2]? You peel away a level of []:

int[2] row = arr[0] // that peels away the [3], leaving an int[2]

int a = row[0]; // peel away the last level, leaving just int

Yes, this does make sense!

Beautifully consistent, even if you want pointers:

int[2]*[3] arrOfPointers;

arrOfPointers[0] // type int[2]*, aka "pointer to two-element array of int"

And once you realize that opIndex can be overloaded, it makes even more sense:

arr[1][0] gets rewritten to arr.opIndex(1).opIndex(0) - bringing us back to my first example, we almost literally have a function returning a function again. Of course it reads the other direction from declaration!

Okay, I don't understand all of it, but I can see your argument that it is more logically consistent this way.

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