On 2017-02-20 17:04, Martin Tschierschke wrote:
I have a little program where I am filling a struct with values from an
regex match.
Now I want to display the content of the struct for debugging purpose.

If struct is named MyStruct

I can print a list of the field names with:

foreach(fieldname;FieldNameTuple!MyStruct){writef("%s ",fieldname);}

If myvar is of type MyStruct how can I make a table like:

fieldname_1: value_1
fieldname_2: value_2
fieldname_n: value_n

Is there a way to do this with a single expression in D.

Similar to a ruby call myvar.send(fieldname) to get the value from
fieldname inside a loop?
write(myvar); sure is working directly but I want to get the field names
displayed, too.

(A work around might be work with the format("%s",myvar) string and
extract the values with an index?)

Yes, this works, I would say this is the simplest:

MyStruct s;

foreach (index, name ; FieldNameTuple!MyStruct)
    writefln("%s: %s", name, s.tupleof[index]);

If you want something more close to "send" in Ruby, you need to use a string mixin, like this:

foreach (name ; FieldNameTuple!MyStruct)
    writefln("%s: %s", name, mixin("s." ~ name));

The string mixin example works for methods, opDispatch and similar as well. The tupleof example, the first one, works only for fields.

/Jacob Carlborg

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