On Monday, 13 March 2017 at 09:33:39 UTC, rikki cattermole wrote:
On 13/03/2017 7:48 PM, Joakim wrote:

Why exactly doesn't the Android port support dlopen, dlsym and dlclose?
It is provided by the NDK libc.

At least according to this[0].

[0] https://developer.android.com/ndk/guides/stable_apis.html

I was more talking about D shared libraries, which I'm assuming DerelictSDL2 qualifies as and would require Phobos built as a shared library. That hasn't been tried yet on Android.

On Monday, 13 March 2017 at 10:11:35 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
On Monday, 13 March 2017 at 06:48:01 UTC, Joakim wrote:


The alpha release of DerelictSDL2 3.0 supports static linking.

When compiling manually, it requires -version=DerelictSDL_static on the command line and all files matching "derelict/sdl2/internal/*_dyn*.d" should be excluded from the build.

When building DerelictSDL2 with DUB, specifying -cderelict-sdl2-static gets the job done, or the same can be added as a subConfiguration value in a project's dub.json/sdl file.

Thanks for the update, didn't know that.

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