Dne 14.3.2017 v 18:38 Inquie via Digitalmars-d-learn napsal(a):
Many times I need to build a type using a string. I have to resort to
building the entire expression/statement using the mixin:
mixin("This is a long and complex expression where I only need to
modify X")
Is there any way to do a sort of "inline mixin"?
This is a long and complex expression where I only need to modify
mixin("int "~name~" = 3;")
int mixin(name) = 3;
(a gross simplification)
Maybe a template could handle it or is something like this impossible
by D's gramar?
You can combine template and mixin.
something like this:
enum Z(alias X) = "int x = " ~ X.stringof ~ ";";
void main()
import std.stdio : writeln;