On 03/15/2017 08:27 PM, WhatMeForget wrote:
> One of my D books says: "an enum declared without any braces is called a
> manifest constant." The example shows,
> enum string author = "Mike Parker";
> Is this equivalent to
> const string author = "Mike Parker";
> or
> immutable string author = "Mike Parker";
> I guess what I'm asking is does enum give you some advantages over say
> non-enum constants?

The guideline should be, "prefer enum except when the type is an array except if it's a string." :)

You can think of enum as a text replacement similar to C macros. Whenever you see 'author' in code, it would be as if it was replaced with its value:

    writeln("Mike Parker");    // Same as above

The limitation is that just like you cannot take the address of e.g. 42, you can't take the address of an enum:

    // All lines below are compilation errors: "not an lvalue"
    writeln(&"Mike Parker");

const static and immutable have the advantage of being initialized at runtime. This one reads the name from a file:

import std.stdio;

immutable string author;

string makeAuthor() {
    import std.file;
    auto content = read("author_name_file");
    return cast(string)content;

shared static this() {
    author = makeAuthor();

void main() {


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