
I have two structs and want to cast between them. The cast is generalizable, so I want to keep it outside of the structs themselves (I'll be adding more later). How can I do this? I've tried the following so far:

    struct Event {
        EventID id;
        ubyte[32 - EventID.sizeof] payload;

    struct WindowCreateEvent {
        enum id = EventID.windowCreate;

        version (Windows) {
            import core.sys.windows.windows;
            HWND windowHandle;

    T opCast(T, K)(auto ref K e) {
        import core.stdc.string: memcpy;

        auto result = Event(e.id);

        memcpy(result.payload.ptr, cast(void*) & e, K.sizeof);

        return result;

The compiler seems to want to convert the two structs bit-by-bit. How can I make it use the module-scoped override? Thanks.

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