On 2017-03-15 15:08, Suliman wrote:

Could you give an example when it's better to use DBRow and where to get
data in structure?

Use PGCommand and call "executeQuery" to get back a result set that is iteratable:

auto query = "SELECT * FROM foos"
auto cmd = new PGCommand(connection, query);
auto resultSet = cmd.executeQuery!(string, int); // these types are the column types

foreach (row ; resultSet)
    auto name = row["name"];
    auto bar = row[1];
    // use the column name or index to get the value from a row

resultSet.close(); // the result set needs to be closed to be able to execute additional queries

You can also directly create structs out of the rows:

struct Foo
    string name;
    string bar;

auto resultSet = cmd.executeQuery!(typeof(Foo.tupleof));

foreach (row ; resultSet)
    auto foo = Foo(row[0 .. Foo.tupleof.length]);
    assert(foo.name == row["name"]);

executeQuery - for returning a set of rows
executeRow - for returning a single
executeNonQuery - for executing a query without any result

See the examples for more information [1].

[1] https://github.com/pszturmaj/ddb/blob/master/examples/basic.d

/Jacob Carlborg

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