On Monday, 20 March 2017 at 17:58:32 UTC, Moritz Maxeiner wrote:

2) Create a template that can be used like this (you'll want to consult std.traits for this):

void foo (delegateOf!(T.method) fptr) {}

This may sound harder that it is, btw. A template that does exactly that is the following (template constraints that verify `method` to actually be a member method left out):

template DelegateTypeOf(alias method)
    import std.array : replaceFirst;
    import std.string : format;

    enum fnType = typeof(&method).stringof;
    enum dgType = fnType.replaceFirst("function", "delegate");

    mixin(`alias DelegateTypeOf = %s;`.format(dgType));

Including the above, a full example would be the following:

interface T
    void method(int x);

void foo(DelegateTypeOf!(T.method) dg)

class X : T
    void method(int x)
        import std.stdio : writefln;
        writefln("Hello, world #%d!", x);

void main()
    T t = new X;

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