zabruk70 wrote:

//DMD 2.073.1 and latest 2.075.0-master-972eaed
//Windows 7 32-bit

union Union1
   byte[5] bytes5;
     char char1;
     uint int1;

void main ()
   import std.stdio: writefln;
   writefln("Union1.sizeof=%d", Union1.sizeof);  //prints 8, not 5

I expect size of Union1 is 5 (5 bytes == char + uint == 5).
Is this my bug or DMD?

`align(1) union Union1` will do the trick.

what you did is members packing. but the union itself is padded to integer size too. i.e. internal `align` will set aligning for *members*, and external `align` will change padding of the whole thing.

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