So, I rebuilt everything again from scratch, I fixed up the make files and such and everything went smooth. I was able to not have the errors.

I think what I did first was I built dmdx64 then copied it to the bin dir and tried to use it but got the phobos errors. I then tried to build druntime/phobos and it was trying to use that version of the dmd, which I guess was faulty because phobos\druntime wasn't correct. Instead, I simply built everything first then copied everything together and that seemed to work.

It would be real nice if we could have the x64 version added to the distro so people don't have to rebuild each time. Also, the make files needs to be updated to support the latest VS. It's nice that the build process went pretty smooth otherwise though.

Seems to work but now I run in to two problems:

If I try to compile for win32 I get

Error: more than 32767 symbols in object file

if I try to compile for x64 I get

fatal error LNK1179: invalid or corrupt file: duplicate COMDAT '_D6modu2557__T19fooVAyaa13_6d50686f746f73686f70434f4dVAAyaA82a11_4170706c69636174696f6ea8_446f63756d656e74a8_4172744c61796572a8_546578744974656da10_536f6c6964436f6c6f72a8_524742436f6c6f72a9_47726179436f6c6f72a9_434d594b436f6c6f72a8_4c6162436f6c6f72a8_485342436f6c6f72a8_4c61796572536574a6_4c6179657273a9_4c6179657253657473a9_4172744c6179657273a12_486973746f72795374617465a12_446f63756d656e74496e666fa9_53656c656374696f6ea7_4368616e6e656ca11_584d504d65746164617461a16_4d6561737572656d656e745363616c65a8_4368616e6e656c73a13_486973746f7279537461746573a10_4c61796572436f6d7073a9_4c61796572436f6d70a9_506174684974656d73a8_506174684974656da12_537562506174684974656d73a11_537562506174684974656da10_50617468506f696e7473a9_50617468506f696e74a10_436f756e744974656d73a9_436f756e744974656da13_436f6c6f7253616d706c657273a12_436f6c6f7253616d706c6572a11_507265666572656e636573a9_446f63756d656e7473a9_54657874466f6e7473a8_54657874466f6e74a9_4e6f74696669657273a8_4e6f746966696572a14_4d6561737572656d656e74!

It seems I get the corrupt comdat when using come ctfe stuff.

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