On Sunday, 2 April 2017 at 21:43:52 UTC, biocyberman wrote:
template __KHASH_TYPE(string name){
  "struct  kh_" ~ name ~"_t { " ~
"khint_t n_buckets, size, n_occupied, upper_bound; " ~
                "khint32_t *flags; " ~
                "khkey_t *keys; " ~
                "khval_t *vals; " ~


Not that you'll get bitten by it in this case but in D the pointer declarator * is left associative.

i.e. in C

 int *pInt, Int; // "Int" is int not an int*
 int *pInt, Int[3]; // Int is a static array of 3 ints.
but in D

 int *pInt, Int; // Int is an int*!!

 int *pInt, three_Ints[3]; // Error cannot mix declared types

not misleading
int* pInt, pInt2; // BOTH int*

int*pInt; //pointer to int
int[3] three_Ints; // static array of 3 ints.

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