On Friday, 7 April 2017 at 10:26:24 UTC, ANtlord wrote:
On Friday, 7 April 2017 at 07:46:40 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

I can't understand. Documentation of cartesianProduct points out about finite arrays. At least one of arrays must be a inifinte array. As far as I know finite arrays is `int[3]` and infinite is `int[]` (https://dlang.org/library/std/range/primitives/is_infinite.html). Am I right?

If I am then I can't understand why DMD return error about finite ranges compiling following code.

        struct Hay {
                int a;
                @disable this(this);
                @disable this();
                this(int a){
                        this.a = a;
        Hay[] params = [ Hay(1), Hay(23) ];
        auto products = cartesianProduct(params, params);

Error text:


I noticed that removing disabling default constructors helps. Does that mean an array contains objects of a struct with disabled default constructor is finite?

No, int[] is a finite array. isInfinite is meant to test for ranges which are statically defined to *never* be empty, no matter how many times you consume them. See std.range.repeat(T) for an example of such a range.

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