On Saturday, 8 April 2017 at 10:09:47 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
T kroundup32(T)(T x) {
    pragma(inline, true);
    return ++(x);

I also came up with this:

import std.stdio;
pragma( inline, true ):
static int kroundup32( int x){
writeln("X: ",x);
writeln("X: ",x);
writeln("X: ",x);
writeln("X: ",x);
writeln("X: ",x);
writeln("X: ",x);
writeln("X: ",x);

 return x;

int main(){
  int num = 31;
  num = kroundup32(num);
  writeln("Num:", num);
  return 0;

Is this way of using pragma the same as your way? I am still new to this so I want to understand more.

And is it a good idea to do manipulate 'num' directly so I can omit 'return' and avoid re-assigning statement? That's what C version does.

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