On 09/04/2017 7:30 AM, Jethro wrote:
void foo(A...)(A a)
    foreach(aa; a)
        for(int i = 0; i < a.length; i++)

A can be strings or char, how can I easily deal with both? (e.g.,
a.length = 1 for a being a char... and also a[0] = a, so to speak).

That is, I want chars to be treated as strings of length 1, since I have
written my code to work with strings, no reason it shouldn't work with
chars. I realize we can't use the above notation but I can't get the
type of aa because D complains it is unknown at compile time. I could
use A[k] but it requires extra work.

A char and a string is no where near the same thing.
A char is a single byte, a string is a array which is made up of a pointer to a set of chars plus a length (size_t WORD size of cpu e.g. 4/8 bytes).

You would need to wrap up that input char e.g. string s = cast(immutable)[c];

But here is what I would recommend:

void foo(char[] c...) {
        string[] args;
        foreach(v; c) {
                args ~= cast(immutable)[c]

void foo(string[] s...) {
  // ...

This will remove the need for template specialization (or "implicit" support for e.g. wstring and dstring).
  • Variable Arguments Jethro via Digitalmars-d-learn
    • Re: Variable Arguments rikki cattermole via Digitalmars-d-learn

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