How to combine the need to localize a result for an if statement and have to call a method to get proper comparison:

if (((auto x = X.value()).empty())


instead of having to do the long and winded way

auto x = X.value();
if (x.empty())


Many times I need the result of a function inside the if but need to check on other value of the function:

auto x = foo();
if (foo().valid())
 // use x

which should simplify to

if ((auto x = foo()).valid())


but this code does not work.

I generally need this for regex stuff and it's quite annoying it doesn't work.

if (!match(s, "\s*(?P<t>.),").empty())
// Need the result of match to do things!

but this doesn't work:

if (!(auto r = match(s, "\s*(?P<t>.),")).empty())


which then requires one to do

auto r = match(s, "\s*(?P<t>.),");
if (!r.empty())


Doesn't seem like a big deal but seems trivial to implement. We can't always do a simple boolean test of the variable we are defining:

if (auto x = something)

so we should be able to do

if ((auto x = something).bar())

which is equivalent to

x = something;
if (

or even allow

if ((auto x = something) == 3)


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