On 04/25/2017 10:41 AM, Suliman wrote:
I am using mysql native. Date in DB have next format: 2016-11-01 06:19:37

But every tile when I am trying to get it I am getting such format:
2016-Oct-31 15:37:24

I use next code:

Why coerce is forcing format changing? How I can extract result as
without month name between digits or easily convert it in proper data

Here's a silly little code that gets the job done. :)

import std.stdio;

string[string] numeralMonth;

static this() {
numeralMonth = [ "Jan" : "01", "Feb" : "02", "Mar" : "03", "Apr" : "04", "May" : "05", "Jun" : "06", "Jul" : "07", "Aug" : "08", "Sep" : "09", "Oct" : "10", "Nov" : "11", "Dec" : "12" ];

auto goodDateFormat(string str) {
    import std.range : chain, choose;
    if (str.length >= 8) {
        auto key = str[5..8];
        auto numeral = key in numeralMonth;
        if (numeral) {
            import std.string : format;
            return format("%s%s%s", str[0..5], *numeral, str[8..$]);
    return str;

void main() {
    writeln(goodDateFormat("2016-Oct-31 15:37:24"));


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