
I would like to have a "proxy" delegate, let's call it "foo" that could point to a method or another, let's call them "fast_foo" or "slow_foo" on the same object. This way depending on some conditions I could switch at runtime from one set of methods to others with a "switchFoo(" fast") method while the rest of the code inside the object would continue happily calling "foo".

The problem I have is that since the delegate keep the state of the object at the moment of the assignment I can't use it for this is pretty since the "fast/slow" methods need the value of the members of the enclosing object members at the point of usage, I guess that I could pass the "this" pointer in the rebinding method but since the targets are also methods of the same object I wouldn't be surprised to find that there is an obvious/elegant way to get access to "this" on the delegate-pointed method implementing.


struct S {
  int someState;
  void some_foo() { return this. someState;}

  void delegate() foo;

  void enable() {
    foo = &some_foo;

unittest {
  S s;
  s.someState = 1;
  s.someState = 2;
  assert(foo == 2);
  // fails because the delegate keeps
  // the state of the object at the
  // assignment point

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