On 2017-05-03 08:54, nkm1 wrote:

import std.stdio;

class A
     final print() { writeln(this); } // no return type

class B : A
     final void print() { writeln(this); }

void main()
     auto b = new B;

     A a1 = b;

     A a2 = new A;

That compiles:

$ dmd -de -w -g ./main.d
$ main

with dmd 2.074 on linux:

$ dmd --version
DMD64 D Compiler v2.074.0
Copyright (c) 1999-2017 by Digital Mars written by Walter Bright

Is that a bug? (in the compiler). I'm learning D, and I'm half way
through Andrei's book; I also read the documentation (on D's website)
and I think that shouldn't compile?

It might be by accident but I think the compiler is inferring the return type. Just as "auto" is not necessary to infer the type of a variable if there's another attribute:

auto a = 3;
const auto b = 4; // here "auto" is redundant
const c = 5;

In your case you have "final" as the attribute.

/Jacob Carlborg

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