On Thursday, 11 May 2017 at 04:35:22 UTC, Jesse Phillips wrote:
On Wednesday, 10 May 2017 at 13:29:40 UTC, Andrew Edwards wrote:
On Wednesday, 10 May 2017 at 13:13:46 UTC, Jesse Phillips wrote:
On Wednesday, 10 May 2017 at 01:42:47 UTC, Andrew Edwards wrote:
Attempting to update a git repo to current D, I encounter the following deprecation messages:

src/glwtf/signals.d-mixin-256(256,2): Deprecation: glwtf.input.BaseGLFWEventHandler._on_key_down is not visible from module glwtf.signals


This comes from:

The module glwtf.signals needs to import glwtf.input. One of the other imports was contaminating the namespace.

I actually attempted solve the issue with selective import as such::

    import glwtf.input : BaseGLFWEventHandler;

but it did not work. Importing the entire module does not work either.

I'm not sure the library you're using but this like the one:

This code says that the function is protected.


This line is probably mixing in a call to that function into a struct


But that struct doesn't inherit from the class so it can't access protected fields.

That's not the same library but the exact same implementation. The one I'm using (https://github.com/d-gamedev-team/dimgui) borrows its from the deimos bindings.

So since the a struct cannot inherit from a class and vice versa, then the entire approach taken by the library must be reconsidered going forward. A little over my head at this point.

Thanks for the assist.

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