On Sunday, 14 May 2017 at 21:07:36 UTC, Marco Leise wrote:
Am Sun, 14 May 2017 20:18:24 +0000
schrieb Kevin Brogan <ke...@brogan.ca>:


No, that is not possible. An alias can only be assigned a symbol.


Let the compiler optimize the assignment away and don't worry much about it. Inlining also works well within the same module. In this case here I would probably use "consume" functions as I dub them:

        import std.traits;
        pragma(inline, true) /* Not really needed I hope ;) */
        ref T consume(T)(ref void* data) if (!hasIndirections!T)
                T* ptr = cast(T*)data;
                data += T.sizeof;
                return *ptr;

You can then rewrite your addInt function like this:

        void add(T)(void* state, void* data) if (isNumeric!T)
                state.consume!T += data.consume!T;

pragma(inline, true); doesn't actually do what you think it does. In lining is always done whenever possible and that only tells the compiler to spit out an error if it can't inline it.

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