I recently use ldc2 to compile my project.
When using 'dub build --build=release --compiler=ldc2 ',it crashed in a try catch block. After a few tries, I noticed it's the inline optimization in ldc2 that caused the crash. So i manually changed the call of ldc2 to 'ldc2 -release -disable-inlining -Hkeep-all-bodies -O3 -w -oq ...' and it worked and doesn't crash any more.

Now, I try to disable inlining in "dub.json" like
 but it doesn't work, because then dub calls ldc2 like this:
'ldc2 -disable-inlining -release -enable-inlining -Hkeep-all-bodies -O3 -w -oq' and inlining in ldc2 will still be enabled.

so, what should i do to disable inlining of ldc2 in release build?

Thanks in advance.

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