On Sunday, 21 May 2017 at 09:55:41 UTC, David  Zhang wrote:
On Sunday, 21 May 2017 at 09:37:46 UTC, Nicholas Wilson wrote:
On Sunday, 21 May 2017 at 09:29:40 UTC, David  Zhang wrote:
Well then it becomes
 Result!(T, E) ok(T,E)     (T t) { return Result(t); }
 Result!(T, E) error(T,E)(E e) { return Result(e); }

and then provided it can be inferred (e.g. from the function signature)
it will still work.

But how would it be inferred? Like the `ok` function, `T` could be inferred, but E? I'm not sure I understand. If you have to specify the types every time, it kinda defeats the purpose. With the function signature as it is, you'd have to specify the type of the other type (e.g. you'd need to specify E for `ok()`).

As in the function signature of the function you call `ok` or `error` in.

Result!(int, SomeEnum) myfunc(bool foo)
        return ok(42);
        return error(SomeEnum.fooHappened);

should work.

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