I'm trying to process one AliasSeq based on the types in another. I've tried to sketch it out below. However, it doesn't work because when you combine together two AliasSeq's in the template, then it creates one AliasSeq.

The only other thing I considered was a staticMap with isIndex, but I wasn't sure if it would work with two AliasSeqs.

enum isIndex(I) = is(I : size_t);

template Process(A, B)
        import std.meta : AliasSeq;
        static if (A.length == 1)
                static if (!isIndex!B[0])
                        alias Process = AliasSeq!(A[0]);
                        alias Process = AliasSeq!(B[0]);
        else static if (A.length > 1)
                static if (!isIndex!B[0])
                        alias Process = AliasSeq!(A[0], Process!(A[1..$], 
                        alias Process = AliasSeq!(B[0], Process!(A[1..$], 

void main()
        import std.meta : AliasSeq;

        alias T = AliasSeq!(int[], int[]);
        alias U = AliasSeq!(int, string);
alias V = Process!(T, U); //result should be AliasSeq!(int, int[])

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