btw it is important to use right compiler with right flags I am using ldc
with this flags
ldmd2 -O -release -boundscheck=off

On Fri, Jun 9, 2017 at 6:28 PM, uncorroded via Digitalmars-d-learn <> wrote:

> On Friday, 9 June 2017 at 14:19:48 UTC, Daniel Kozak wrote:
>> import std.stdio;
>> import std.array: appender, array;
>> import std.algorithm : findSplit, splitter, joiner, canFind, map;
>> import std.typecons : tuple, Tuple;
>> import std.conv : to;
>> import std.range : dropOne, dropExactly, takeExactly, chain;
>> alias push_type = Tuple!(int, char[], int, bool, bool);
>> alias npush_type = Tuple!(char[], int, char[]);
>> void read_log(string filename) {
>>     File file = File(filename, "r");
>>     auto npushed = appender!(npush_type[])();
>>     auto pushed = appender!(push_type[])();
>>     foreach (line; file.byLine) {
>>         if (auto findResult = line.findSplit(" SYNC_PUSH: ")) {
>>             auto rel = findResult[2];
>>             auto att = rel.splitter(" ");
>>             auto firstVal =!int;
>>             auto secondVal = att.dropExactly(2).takeExactly(2).joiner("
>> ").to!(char[]).dup;
>>             auto thirdVal = att.dropExactly(5)!int;
>>             auto fourthVal = findResult[2].canFind("PA-SOC_POP");
>>             auto fifthVal = findResult[2].canFind("CU-SOC_POP");
>>             pushed.put(tuple(firstVal, secondVal, thirdVal, fourthVal,
>> fifthVal));
>>             continue;
>>         }
>>         if (auto findResult = line.findSplit(" SOC_NOT_PUSHED: ")) {
>>             auto leftPart = findResult[0].splitter(" ").dropExactly(2)
>>                                                        .takeExactly(2);
>>             auto rightPart = findResult[2].splitter(" ").takeExactly(2);
>>             auto firstVal = chain(leftPart.front,
>> leftPart.dropOne.front).to!(char[]);
>>             auto thirdVal =!(char[]).dup;
>>             auto secondVal =!int;
>>             npushed.put(tuple(firstVal, secondVal, thirdVal));
>>             continue;
>>         }
>>     }
>>     // Doing more stuff with these arrays later. For now, just printing
>> lengths
>>     writeln(;
>>     writeln(;
>> }
> Hi Daniel,
> Thanks a lot for the code. I tested it on our production log file and it
> takes 0.2 sec (50% improvement over old time)
> I tried using just the appender and it did not make a significant
> difference. On the other hand, just changing the inner loop to use
> std.algorithm and range seems to make a big difference.Is there a good
> resource to read about the good stuff in std.algorithm and range? I tried
> going through the library docs but they are too exhaustive!
> Thanks :)

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