On Friday, 9 June 2017 at 15:07:03 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
// compile with the cgi.d, database.d, postgres.d, and dom.d library modules // and make sure your C libpq library is available. so on my computer, the
// compile command is:
// dmd webtest.d ~/arsd/{cgi,database,postgres,dom} -L-L/usr/local/pgsql/lib -m64 -version=embedded_httpd
import arsd.cgi;
import arsd.postgres;
import arsd.dom;

void handle(Cgi cgi) {
        // database setup: psql me
        // create table test (id integer, data text);

        auto database = new PostgreSql("dbname = me");
        scope(exit) .destroy(database);

// insert some data from the request into the database... database.query("INSERT INTO test (data) VALUES (?)", cgi.request("data"));

// of course, you could also load the html skeleton from a file auto document = new Document("<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>Demo</title></head><body></body></html>", true, true);

foreach(row; database.query("SELECT id, data FROM test")) {
                document.mainBody.addChild("b", row["id"]);
                document.mainBody.addChild("p", row["data"]);

        cgi.write(document.toString(), true);

mixin GenericMain!handle;

So if I'm understanding this code correctly, your libs don't have any sort of routing setup either, and I would have to write the code to inspect the URL and do the right thing?

I don't use any of the templating engines... in the demo above, I used my dom.d though which is a potential base lib to make one. It is a html parser with many functions for modification. You can write your "templates" as just .html files and load them with this, then search for various ID elements or whatever (dom.d has `querySelector` and `querySelectorAll`) and append elements with dom or setting things like `innerText` and `innerHTML`.

I think I'd prefer to use more of a template system as it feels more productive having it all inline. I have concerns about the complexity of getting "helper" type functionality in Temple, but I'll tackle that when I get to it.

I really really dislike the syntax for DIET, I was never a big HAML fan.

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