On 6/11/17 11:24 AM, Honey wrote:
On Friday, 9 June 2017 at 17:50:28 UTC, Honey wrote:
Looking at the implementation of Tuple.opCmp, I'm not sure I'd bet on
existence of opCmp for fundamental types:

        int opCmp(R)(R rhs)
        if (areCompatibleTuples!(typeof(this), R, "<"))
            foreach (i, Unused; Types)
                if (field[i] != rhs.field[i])
                    return field[i] < rhs.field[i] ? -1 : 1;
            return 0;

It turned out that there is a standard three way comparison function for
ranges and strings [1].

Yes, I saw that when I was looking (you can see from my reply that you quoted below).

Doesn't it make sense to introduce another overload of cmp similar to
Steve's doCmp [2] right at that spot?

Yes I think it makes sense to have such a comparison function for non-ranges. Yes it probably belongs there, as there are other functions (e.g. swap) that are not specific to ranges in std.algorithm. It should probably not be called cmp, as it will be a default comparison (with the default ordering), although if we did something like:

int cmp(alias pred = "a < b", T)(T t1, T t2) if(!isInputRange!T)
   static if(pred == "a < b") { /* do default optimized way */ }
   else { /* more generic mechanism using pred */ }

it might be nice. Need to think about the API ramifications.

This would simplify the implementation of opCmp for aggregates and can
also lead to a moderate performance benefit [3]. (Note that [3] does not
provide an additional overload of cmp but uses a less elegant approach
with the same performance characteristics.)

I agree. It's a thing also that can be optimized in unintuitive ways. I think Andrei has a nice way to do opCmp for integers that's a simple subtraction and negation or something like that.


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