Hi all,

I am writing a program to read device /dev/urandom file to get some random bytes. I am trying to bypass D's GC as I know the length of the buffer needed. I tried using std.stdio.File and rawRead but File cannot be used with @nogc. So I used core.stdc.stdio and used traditional C style. My code is here - https://dpaste.dzfl.pl/36e1df4cb99b (Also at end of post). I am using fread instead of read because /dev/urandom can be accessed by other programs (From this post - http://insanecoding.blogspot.in/2014/05/a-good-idea-with-bad-usage-devurandom.html ). As you can see from code, I ended up doing pointer arithmetic. Is there a way of making this work with D slices? Can they be used as C-style pointers?

My D function used for getting random bytes:

@nogc ubyte[n] rand_bytes(uint n)() {
    import core.stdc.stdio;
    FILE *fp;
    fp = fopen("/dev/urandom", "r");
    ubyte[n] buf;
    ubyte *bp = &buf[0];
    uint bread = 0;
    while (bread < n) {
        auto toread = n - bread;
        auto read = fread(bp, ubyte.sizeof, toread, fp);
        bread += read;
        bp += read;
    return buf;

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