
I created a custom type which enables me to have enums which have in their initial state, the init value of their base type. Something similiar to Nullable...

enum Reason : string {CO = "Co", FU = "Fu", CA = "Ca"}
struct TestStruct {InitialEnum!Reason reason;}

This line raises the error:
TestStruct s2 = TestStruct(Reason.FU);
Error: cannot implicitly convert expression ("Fu") of type Reason to InitialEnum!(Reason)

While this line is working fine:
TestStruct s1 = {reason: Reason.FU};

What do I miss?

Kind regards

struct InitialEnum(T)
        import std.traits: OriginalType, EnumMembers;
        import std.conv: to;
        private T _value;
        private bool _isEmpty = true;
        alias EnumBaseType = OriginalType!T;
@property EnumBaseType baseTypeValue() { return (_isEmpty) ? EnumBaseType.init : _value; }
        @property T value()     { return _value; }
        @property bool isEmpty() { return _isEmpty;     }
        alias baseTypeValue this;
        void opAssign(EnumBaseType value)
                if (value == EnumBaseType.init)
                        _isEmpty = true;
                foreach (member; EnumMembers!T)
                        if (value == member)
                                _value = member;
                                _isEmpty = false;
throw new Exception("Value "~value.to!string~" is not a valid enum value");

        this(T t)
                _isEmpty = false;
                _value = t;
        this(EnumBaseType value)

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