On Sunday, 25 June 2017 at 11:39:27 UTC, Andrew Chapman wrote:
Hi guys, I'm a little confused as to whether D supports interfaces with templates. I can compile OK, but linking reports an error like this:

Error 42: Symbol Undefined _D12relationaldb10interfaces21RÇëÜDBIÇêÿ35__T7loadRowTS6prefix÷6P¶ZÇêáMFAyaAS3std7variant18Çâ└8VÇåìNVki20ZÇëÅZÇûð

Essentially my desired interface looks like this:

interface RelationalDBInterface {
    public T loadRow(T)(string sql, Variant[] params);

An example implementation:

public T loadRow(T)(string sql, Variant[] params)
        Prepared prepared = prepare(this.conn, sql);

        auto row = prepared.queryRow();

        if (row.isNull()) {
throw new Exception(this.classID ~ "::loadRow - Query returned an empty row");

        T item;
        return row.toStruct!T(item);

And I would try to call it like this:

auto user = this.loadRow!User(sql, params);

Is it possible, or do I need to rethink the solution? The idea is to pass around a RelationalDBInterface so I can later switch from MySQL to Postgres or SQLite or whatever.

You cannot have unimplemented templates in interfaces (where would they go in the virtual function table?), just return a variant.
Implementations of interfaces must be classes not free functions

class MyDB : IRelationalDB
    // implementation ...

which you then need to create a instance of

auto mydb = MyDB(...); // connection
auto user = mydb.loadRow!User(sql, params);

'this' is only valid inside an aggregate (struct or class).

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