On Monday, 3 July 2017 at 16:41:51 UTC, vit wrote:
On Monday, 3 July 2017 at 13:53:45 UTC, Paolo Invernizzi wrote:


import std.algorithm : map, copy, equal;
import std.range : iota;

struct Foo {
    int[3] a;
    string[2] b;

ref T first(R : T[], T)(ref R x,){return x[0];}
ref T second(R : T[], T)(ref R x){return x[1];}

void worksOnA(R : int[N], size_t N)(ref R r) {
        iota(1, N+1)
                .map!(x => cast(int)x*2)
void worksOnB(string[] r) { }

void main(){
        auto foo = Foo();
        foo.a.first = 1;
        foo.a.second = 2;
        assert(foo.a.first == 1);
        assert(foo.a.second == 2);

        foo.b.second = "test";
        assert(foo.b.first == "");
        assert(foo.b.second == "test");
        assert(foo.a[].equal([2, 4, 6]));


Thanks for your solution, Vic!

It's not exactly the same, as first and second should be struct with partial fields from Foo, of different types.


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