On Saturday, 8 July 2017 at 21:29:10 UTC, Andre Pany wrote:
app.d(17):        called from here: test("1234\x0a5678\x0a")

I wrote the source code on windows with a source file with \r\n file endings. But the console output has only the character X0a. In addition not the content of tmp is shown but the full content with the slice information [4..10].

Is this the intended behavior?

The escape sequence says it's hex, and 0a translates to 10, and 0d is 13; \r\n is usually a 13,10 sequence. So from the looks of it the \r is getting stripped out.

Funny story as i understand it, \r and \n both have very specific meanings to old printers in the old days. \r for carriage-Return, and \n for New-line. DOS may have used it, but \r more-or-less has no use for newlines and printers today.

Curious when using writeln, all newlines seem to have \r sequences added. So i suppose it's one of those things that i never needed to think about really.

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