On 2017-07-11 04:40, Gerald wrote:

Thanks for the link, I'm not active with .Net so I had to go look it up. Reminds me a lot of the way node.js works. If all your async activity is IO bound maybe it works fine and I'm wrong about this.

My past experience has been that it's challenging to determine the appropriate times to yield particularly with a lot of async activity happening. However with it baked into the framework and a simplified API maybe it becomes less of an issue.

I'll have to do more reading on it, again thanks for the pointer.

I'm not that familiar with .Net either but this async/await feature is spreading across languages: C++, JavaScript, .Net, Dart and possibly others.

As far as I understand it consists of two parts: coroutines (resumable functions) and asynchronous operations, usually IO. Any async function returns some form of future type. If you call that function, it will return immediately and let the execution continue. Now it's possible to do work that is independent of the result of the previous call. When you do need the result of the first call, you call "await" on the return value of that call, the future. If the result is ready, everything is fine and the execution continues. If the result is not ready, your function will suspend and the caller will continue the execution.

You don't need to do any explicit yielding due to the language and framework support. The only thing you need to determine is when you need the result of an aysnc function call.

/Jacob Carlborg

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