On Wednesday, 12 July 2017 at 11:34:45 UTC, Jiyan wrote:
yes i did but to be honest i used dmd in debug version.
The thing about the static one, is that it creates a local object A isnt that a performance issue itself - or am i wrong - im confused actually :P?

Debug = no optimization. Looking at the generated assembly in a debug build is worthless.

You raise a valid point. In a debug build, you're probably right - it will need to copy the temporary to the target. With optimizations enabled, NRVO[0] will populate the target directly, resulting in roughly the equivalent of this code:

struct A {
    int field;
    static void opCall(A* p) {
        p.field = getDataFromFile("file.txt");

A a;

If the function is inlined, the whole problem is of course moot. There are probably other optimizations that can interfere with what I've described.


[0]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Return_value_optimization

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