On Monday, 17 July 2017 at 19:11:26 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
Hmm, since we already have sumOfLengths available at compile-time, what about:

T[sumOfLengths!StaticArrays] append(StaticArrays...)(StaticArrays arrays)
                if (allSatisfy!(isStaticArray, StaticArrays))
                typeof(return) result = void;
                foreach (i, a; 0 .. arrays.length)
                        enum offset = sumOfLengths!(arrays[0 .. i]);
                        result[offset .. offset + a.length] = a[];
                return result;


Thanks, I'll try this!

Does this have a place in Phobos?

If so,

- under what name: append, concat or cat?
- where: std.algorithm or std.array?

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