On Fri, 28 Jul 2017 05:14:16 +0000, FoxyBrown wrote:
> You can make any claim you want like: "The end user should install in to
> a clean dir so that DMD doesn't get confused and load a module that
> doesn't actually have any implementation" but that's just your opinion.

I have never seen extracting into the directory as a supported upgrade 
path for anything except the simplest of applications and a few PHP 
projects that supply a migration script.

> At the end of the day it only makes you and dmd look bad when it doesn't
> work because of some lame minor issue that could be easily fixed. It
> suggests laziness["Oh, there's a fix but I'm too lazy to add it"],
> arrogance["Oh, it's the end users fault, let them deal with it"], and a
> bit of ignorance.

The only solution I can think of is never splitting a module in Phobos; 
the alternative would be to change the way the module system works (which 
seems to be what you want), and that's going to break everybody's 

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