On Tuesday, 1 August 2017 at 03:30:08 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
On Tuesday, 1 August 2017 at 03:08:30 UTC, Domain wrote:
And I can see SimpleDllMain in core.sys.windows.dll, the mangled name is correct: DllMain

main, DllMain, and WinMain are special cased...

for yours, I think you'll have to hack it with pragma(mangle)

 mixin template GetMetaData()
     pragma(mangle, "GetMetaData") // or whatever maybe @0 ?
     extern(Windows) MetaData GetMetaData()
         return MetaData();

 mixin GetMetaData;

I think.

Thanks. Anyone known any plan for issue 12575? It has been 3 years, it looks like not that hard to fix.

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