On Thursday, 3 August 2017 at 21:06:36 UTC, Johnson Jones wrote:
On Thursday, 3 August 2017 at 13:12:03 UTC, Mengu wrote:
On Thursday, 3 August 2017 at 03:59:40 UTC, Johnson Jones wrote:
How can be use gtkD to load images, I assume through gdkpixbuf? While I am getting errors loading images through glade's image:

(test.exe:8188): Gtk-WARNING **: Could not load image 'a.jpg': Couldn't recognize the image file format for file 'test\a.jpg'

(loads fine in glade)

which needs to be resolved, I'd also like to be able to use gdkpixbuf to load images programmatically. There seems to be no demos on the gtkD github page that deals with image loading.

I've tried to do something like

import gtkc.gdkpixbuf;
auto x = c_gdk_pixbuf_get_formats().data;

but I don't know how to interpret x.

Also something like

                import gtkc.gdkpixbuf;
                void* x;
                auto p = c_gdk_pixbuf_get_formats();
                for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                        x = p.data;
                        p = p.next;

which doesn't offer any help.

Aside: How can we call the gtk functions directly using gtkD? Seems it uses stuff like

Linker.link(gdk_pixbuf_get_formats, "gdk_pixbuf_get_formats", LIBRARY_GDKPIXBUF);

It does seem to alias to these function but something is off and I'm not sure what.


- is the gtk.Image class not working for you? https://api.gtkd.org/gtkd/gtk/Image.html

- there's also a gdkpixbuf.Pixbuf that you can use. https://api.gtkd.org/gtkd/gdkpixbuf/Pixbuf.html

- you can import those functions from gdkpixbuf.c.functions.

So, like I said, I've tried

import gdkpixbuf.Pixbuf;
auto x = Pixbuf.newFromResource("C:\\a.jpg");

which gives me that error I stated before for x86. For x64 it simply crashes and no exception is given.

If I use a dummy image I get the same error:

"Unhandled exception: glib.GException.GException The resource at “C:\adf.jpg” does not exist at generated\gtkd\glib\GException.d(40)"

The error message makes look like like it should be

"Unhandled exception: glib.GException.GException The resource at “C:\adf.jpg” does not exist at “C:\” generated\gtkd\glib\GException.d(40)"

I'd rather use Pixbuf than image because I don't need to generate a full blow image widget.

If I do

GError* err = null;
auto p = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_resource(Str.toStringz("C:\\a.jpg"), &err);

p is null and err is

The resource at “D:\a.jpgâ€. does not exist.

which is clearly not true.

So not sure what is going on ;/ Seems to be a bug in pixbuf or am I specifying the path wrong? If gtk.Image uses these internally then it is working so...


I load images using Gtk like this (I use gtk under gnu/linux):

 Pixbuf pixbuf = new Pixbuf (filename);

And draw them in a GtkDrawingArea like this:

// redrawPage is a method from my window class
// theCanvas = cast(DrawingArea) theBuilder.getObject("wCanvas");
//    theCanvas.addOnDraw (&redrawPage);

private bool redrawPage (Scoped!Context ctx, Widget wda) {
    if (pixbuf !is null) {
      Pixbuf img;
      int w, h;

      ctx.scale (drawingScale, drawingScale);

      w = cast(int) (pixbuf.getWidth  * drawingScale);
      h = cast(int) (pixbuf.getHeight * drawingScale);

      theCanvas.setSizeRequest (w, h);

      ctx.setSourcePixbuf (cast(Pixbuf) thePixmap, 0.0, 0.0);
      ctx.paint ();
    return true;

Hope it helps you.
A. Corbi

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