I have an icon that I toggle which clicked. It seems that I can't toggle it any faster than about a second.

The handler is being called each click but it seems the gui is not updated more than about 1fps in that case? Although, I'm sure it update faster than 1fps, just seems the icon/image isn't.

The code I use to set the image is:

Image.setFromStock("gtk-go-up", GtkIconSize.SMALL_TOOLBAR);


Image.setFromStock("gtk-go-down", GtkIconSize.SMALL_TOOLBAR);

I also have been experiencing significant slow downs when the gui load for the first time. Doesn't always seem to happen but basically keyboard output across the os is unresponsive then everything occurs at once(when whatever catches up for quits interfering with the keyboard). It takes about 20 seconds for that to occur then everything works fine afterwards best I can tell.

(BTW, thanks mike for all the help ;))

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